Google AI Essentials is a self-paced course designed to help people across roles and industries get essential AI skills to boost their productivity, zero experience required. The course is taught by AI experts at Google who are working to make the technology helpful for everyone.
要するに、AI の概要についてのコースですね。DeepLearning.AI の AI for Everyone にちょっと似てる内容かもしれないです。
Module 1: Introduction to AI
AI development techniques の開発手法は大きく分類すると2種:
- Rule-based techniques:
プログラミングに近い、厳密さが要求される場合に用いられる - Machine learning techniques
当然に、rule-base か machine learning のいずれかで実装することもできるし、両方を組み合わせることも可能。
machine learning (ML) は AI の部分集合であり、予測や判断を下すプログラムを開発する際に用いられる。AI designers often use ML in their AI programs because it doesn’t have the limitations of rule-based techniques.
ML には、3つのアプローチがある:
- Supervised learning:教師あり学習、ラベル付された学習データをもとに学習する。特定の出力を念頭に使用される。
- Unsupervised learning:教師なし学習、ラベル付されていない学習データをもとにパターンを特定する。特定の出力を想定しない。
- Reinforcement learning:強化学習、trial-and-error によって、最も良い出力を得る行動を導く。望ましい選択に対して報酬を与えることでモデルに学習させる。対話型AIで最もよく利用される。
ML の発達により、生成系 AI への道がひらけた。Advancements in machine learning have helped pave the way for generative AI.
対話型 AI では、上の3つの ML へのアプローチ手法がそれぞれ重要な役割を担っている。supervised learning は、基本的・典型的な会話の実装に用いられる反面、unsupervised learning は言語のニュアンスの解釈などに利用される。そして、ユーザからのリアルタイムなフィードバックを reinforcement learning に利用することで AI モデルをより強化できる。
生成系 AI は次のような便益をもたらす:
- Greater efficiency:ルーティンワークを手助けし、より生産性の高い業務に人間を集中させる
- Personalized experiences:個人ごとの好みによって対話をカスタマイズできる
- Better decisions:大量のデータを簡単に処理し、よりよい意思決定に資する
PAIR Explorables is an optional resource for anyone who wants to learn more about AI. It is a collection of interactive articles that are designed to make key AI concepts more accessible and understandable.
とあるが、この PAIR Explorables という取り組みは ML の基礎から問題点まで網羅した包括的な記事となっています。Web の強みを最大限に生かした、インタラクティブなコンテンツとなっていて、興味深い内容がたくさん掲載されています。
We want people to have a conscious sense of both the power and peril of artificial intelligence. – Vinton Cerf
great danger, or something that is very dangerous:
Cambridge Dictionary – peril
I think in the long run, as we learn how to use these techniques better and better and more reliably, that it will have a dramatic impact on almost all walks of life.
When people talk about walk(s) of life, they are referring to different types of jobs and different levels of society:
Cambridge Dictionary – walk of life
Module 1 の後半の方で、対話型 AI (Google なら Gemini) を用いて、メールの下書きを作成するロールプレイがあります。
Gemini は /ˈdʒem·əˌnɑɪ/ って読みます。一般的には双子座って意味ですが、Google のブログに名前の出自が書いてありました。
Gemini is Latin for “twins.” In astronomy, it’s the name of a constellation associated with Greek mythological twins Castor and Pollux, for which its two brightest stars are named. Naturally, then, the meaning behind our AI model’s name is two-fold.
Module 2: Maximize Productivity With AI Tools
Think of the AI model as the engine and the AI tool as the car. The model provides the underlying capabilities while the tools interface assists you in completing tasks.
AI ツールが自動車ならば、AI モデルはそのエンジンのようなもの。
Terms like AI tools and AI models can be confusing because they sound similar but refer to different things. Recall that an AI tool is AI-powered software that can automate or assist users with a variety of tasks. An AI model is a computer program trained on sets of data to recognize patterns and perform specific tasks.
基本的な AI モデルのトレーニングステップ:
- Define the problem to be solved.:解決すべき問題の定義
- Collect relevant data to train the model.:関連データの収集
- Prepare the data for training.:トレーニング用データの準備
- Train the model.:モデルのトレーニング
- Evaluate the model.:モデルの評価
- Deploy the model.:モデルのデプロイ
Maintaining human oversight over AI is critical. An effective strategy for doing so is a human-in-the-loop approach, which uses a combination of machine and human intelligence to train, use, verify, and refine AI models.
Knowledge cutoff is the concept that an AI model is trained at a specific point in time so it doesn’t have any knowledge of events or information after that date.
Hallucinations are AI outputs that are not true. While hallucinations can pose challenges, they can also be beneficial to your creative process.
Module 3: Discover the Art of Prompt Engineering
A prompt is text input that provides instructions to the AI model on how to generate output.
A large language model, or LLM, is an AI model that is trained on large amounts of text to identify patterns between words, concepts, and phrases, so that it can generate responses to prompts.
In prompt engineering, the word “shot” is often used as a synonym for the word “example.”
Few-shot prompting is a technique that provides two or more examples in a prompt.
Chain-of-thought prompting is a technique that involves requesting a large language model to explain its reasoning processes.
Module 4: Use AI Responsibly
Systemic bias is a tendency upheld by institutions that favors or disadvantages certain outcomes or groups.
Data bias is a circumstance in which systemic errors or prejudices lead to unfair or inaccurate information, resulting in biased outputs.
“AI models are value-laden.” -> つまり、AI モデル否応がなく、システム的には設計者の価値観を反映してしまう。その反面、設計者以外の価値観は含まれない。
AI を利用することによる主な脅威は以下が挙げられる:
An allocative harm is a wrongdoing that occurs when an AI system’s use or behavior withholds opportunities or resources or information in domains that affect a person’s wellbeing.
Quality-of-service harm is a circumstance in which AI tools do not perform as well for certain groups of people based on their identity.
Representational harm is an AI tool’s reinforcement of the subordination of social groups based on their identities.
Social system harm refers to macro-level societal effects that amplify existing class, power, or privilege disparities or cause physical harm as a result of the development or use of AI tools.
Deepfakes are AI generated fake photos or videos of real people saying or doing things that they did not do.
Interpersonal harm, which is the use of technology to create a disadvantage to certain people that negatively affects their relationships with others or causes a loss of one’s sense of self and agency.
Being aware of potential harm and negative outcomes is a first step to using AI responsibly.
AI をよりよく使うための最初の一歩は、潜在的な脅威や問題のある出力についてよく知ること。
Privacy is the right for a user to have control over how their personal information and data are collected, stored, and used.
Security is the act of safeguarding personal information and private data, and ensuring that the system is secure by preventing unauthorized access.
Drift versus knowledge cutoff:
- Drift is the decline in an AI model’s accuracy in predictions due to changes over time that aren’t reflected in the training data.
- A knowledge cutoff is the concept that a model is trained at a specific point in time, so it doesn’t have any knowledge of events or information after that date.
Module 5: Stay Ahead of the AI Curve
A multimodal model is an AI model that can accept and learn from multiple types of input, such as images, video, or audio.
最後は、これからますます進歩していく AI をいかにして利用するか、どのように最新の情報をキャッチアップしていくのか、などなどの激励があって本コース終了です。
とりあえず、現時点でまだまだ発展途上な AI の実力や、仕組みなどをざっくりかいつまんで学ぶには良いコースだと思います。
ただし、もっと具体的な理論や骨組みなどを学びたい人にはちょっと物足りなく感じるかもしれません。それでも、Gemini など実際の LLM を利用したワークアウトは、実務で AI をどのように利用するのか?といった疑問に良いインスピレーションを与えてくれ得るはずです。
DeepLearning.AI が Coursera で提供する “AI For Everyone” と一緒に受講するともっと良いかもしれないですね。こちらは、若干理論寄りの基礎講座となります。
